CUPE Local 1770 AGM
CUPE Local 1770 will be hosting their AGM on Thursday November 7, 2024 at the Oval (Credit Union Place) in Summerside.
Registration will begin at 9:00AM, and AGM business will commence at 9:30AM.
The AGM is a paid day by the employer and all members are expected to attend unless they have an approved leave with the employer. If you can not attend please let your area VP know as soon as possible.
There are a number of positions up for nomination at the upcoming AGM. If you are interested in any of the following positions please reach out to a member of the Nomination Committee: Kelly Matheson, Sarah Martin, & Wanda Woodgate.
Positions for nomination are as follows:
- President – 2 year term
- Recording Secretary – 2 year term
- Treasurer – 2 year term
- Three PD Committee School Admin Group – 1 year term each
- Three PD Committee Branch Based Group – 1 year term each
- Two PD Committee French Board Group – 1 year term each
- Three Bargaining Committee positions – Term will end upon signing of a new Collective Agreement
- One Bargaining Committee Alternate position – Term will end upon signing of a new Collective Agreement
- One Sergeant at Arms – 2 year term
- One Trustee – 3 year term
- One Bursary Committee West/French Group – 2 year term
- Two Bursary Committee East Group – 2 year term
- One Group Benefits Trustee – 5 year term
Please consider offering your name for one of these positions or committees as the local is better when people get involved! If you have any questions regarding a position you can reference our by-laws or reach out to the nomination committee to get more information.
If any members have any by-law amendment’s they would like to put forward at this years AGM, please let your area VP know no later than October 11th.
We are looking forward to returning to an in-person format for our AGM for the first time since 2019, seeing each and everyone of you!
Casuals who are not in relief positions are not required to attend but are more than welcome to attend, we ask that if you are a casual member please reach out to your area VP to let us know that you will be attending.
The Oval is located at the rear of the Credit Union Place, you will enter at the entrance to the West End Bar & Grill (next to the race track), and make your way to the second floor.
See you all on Thursday November 7, 2024!