AGM 2024

CUPE Local 1770 AGM

CUPE Local 1770 will be hosting their AGM on Thursday November 7, 2024 at the Oval (Credit Union Place) in Summerside.

Registration will begin at 9:00AM, and AGM business will commence at 9:30AM.

The AGM is a paid day by the employer and all members are expected to attend unless they have an approved leave with the employer. If you can not attend please let your area VP know as soon as possible.


There are a number of positions up for nomination at the upcoming AGM. If you are interested in any of the following positions please reach out to a member of the Nomination Committee: Kelly Matheson, Sarah Martin, & Wanda Woodgate.

Positions for nomination are as follows:

  • President – 2 year term
  • Recording Secretary – 2 year term
  • Treasurer – 2 year term
  • Three PD Committee School Admin Group – 1 year term each
  • Three PD Committee Branch Based Group – 1 year term each
  • Two PD Committee French Board Group – 1 year term each
  • Three Bargaining Committee positions – Term will end upon signing of a new Collective Agreement
  • One Bargaining Committee Alternate position – Term will end upon signing of a new Collective Agreement
  • One Sergeant at Arms – 2 year term
  • One Trustee – 3 year term
  • One Bursary Committee West/French Group – 2 year term
  • Two Bursary Committee East Group – 2 year term
  • One Group Benefits Trustee – 5 year term

Please consider offering your name for one of these positions or committees as the local is better when people get involved! If you have any questions regarding a position you can reference our by-laws or reach out to the nomination committee to get more information.

If any members have any by-law amendment’s they would like to put forward at this years AGM, please let your area VP know no later than October 11th.

We are looking forward to returning to an in-person format for our AGM for the first time since 2019, seeing each and everyone of you!

Casuals who are not in relief positions are not required to attend but are more than welcome to attend, we ask that if you are a casual member please reach out to your area VP to let us know that you will be attending.

The Oval is located at the rear of the Credit Union Place, you will enter at the entrance to the West End Bar & Grill (next to the race track), and make your way to the second floor.

See you all on Thursday November 7, 2024!

Summer Greetings!

Happy Summer Local 1770!

We have successfully made it through another busy school year!

To our 10 month members enjoy your summer vacation, and to our 12 month members we hope you get some downtime in the sun, and maybe a few beach days!

Congratulations to our members who will be closing their schools for the final time this year as they gear up for retirement. ENJOY, you earned it!!

  We hope everyone has a safe and relaxing summer!


Important Update: Ratification

Your bargaining team hosted the ratification meeting for your collective agreement. A presentation was held and members voted 86% in favor of acceptance of the tentative collective agreement. Thank you for coming out for those who were able to attend. We will be communicating more information from the Employer on when to expect any retroactive pay as soon as we know it. Once the collective agreement is signed by the parties copies will be provided via email to the membership.

Important Update

CUPE Locals 1145, 1770 and 1775 invite you to a ratification meeting on
Saturday, June 1, 2024. At this meeting the bargaining team will review
the tentative agreement that was reached during the bargaining
process and conciliation.

The meeting will be held in two locations as noted below. This will be
an in-person meeting with paper ballot voting to happen following
the meeting. All members are encouraged to attend either location.

Saturday June 1, 2024

Meeting will begin at 9:30 am.

Secret ballot voting will be held following presentation and will close
at 12:00 pm. The ballots will be counted by the negotiation team later
in the day and communicated to the membership.


Birchwood Junior High School

Three Oaks Senior High School

Happy Administrative Professionals Day!

Today we want to recognize all of the great administrative professionals today in Local 1770. Our work at times is chaotic, thankless, and frustrating but we always give our best, remain professional and serve with a smile!

We are better as a team, if you find yourself talking to one another, today is the perfect day to say what isn’t said enough; THANK YOU!

Enjoy YOUR day 1770!

Important Update

Attention all members: There is an important communication regarding our collective bargaining that has been distributed via email from our President – Tracy Campbell.

Please check your emails at the address you provided to Local 1770. If you do not have the message please reach out to your area VP. 

CUPE PEI Conversations



Island workers are becoming more and more frustrated with bargaining – bad faith employers, unnecessary delays, and a general lack of respect for what workers contribute to the workplace are some of the common themes we are hearing across the province.
CUPE PEI is hosting a series of conversations all over PEI to talk with our members about how we can improve our collective bargaining power!
All CUPE members are invited to attend these meetings.
Thurs, Jan 18 (Up West): Westisle High School – Theatre (7pm)
Sat, Jan 27 (Montague): Montague High School – Cafeteria (10am)
Sat, Jan 27 (Souris): Eastern Kings Community Centre (2pm)
Thurs, Feb 1 (Charlottetown): Location TBA (7pm)
Sat, Feb 3 (Summerside): Credit Union Place (10am)
Sat, Feb 3 (Summerside – en Français): Credit Union Place (Français) (14h)
For the most up to date information regarding these sessions please check the CUPE PEI Facebook page.

New Year Reminders

Just a few reminders to members:

  • Keep an eye to your personal email accounts for correspondence from the Local 1770 executive. This includes important CUPE updates, the local’s “Funky Frog” draw, and updates from your area VP’s.
  • If any members have issues or concerns that they would like brought forward to the Labour Management Committee please reach out to a representative. These are issues & concerns that have already been brought forward to your Principal or Supervisor and they have not been addressed or continue to be unresolved. Sometimes a simple conversation goes a long way and not all issues need to be escalated to Labour Management.
  • Sharing user credentials for your work computer & accounts is in violation of the User Agreement set out by I.T.S.S. & the employer. Sharing your account passwords with others may result in your accounts being suspended and other disciplinary actions. Please be mindful of this when you are getting casuals in to cover your leaves. This is to protect you.
  • Be mindful of your time when at work. Be sure to take your breaks as per the collective agreement, and work within your set hours. Working additional unpaid hours sets a precedent that you are getting all of your duties done during your scheduled work day. This can cause issues when you ask for additional help or approved overtime as often times the employer will look at this and not see those additional unpaid hours worked and question the need for additional hours or staff.
  • If you have any information that has changed please let your area VP know, this can include things like; new email address, phone number, home/mailing address.


Area VP’s:

  • VP Western Schools & Summerside Branch Office: Wanda Woodgate
  • VP Central Schools: Sarah Martin
  • VP Eastern Schools & Stratford Branch Office: Kelly Matheson
  • VP French Language School Board: Lola Burke


  • Tracy Campbell


  • Lola Burke

Recording Secretary:

  • Sawyer Murphy

Labour Management Reps:

  • Kelly Matheson
  • Sawyer Murphy

Group Benefits Trustees:

  • Kelly Matheson
  • Sawyer Murphy

Christmas Greetings!

Happy Holidays from CUPE Local 1770!

We want to wish all our members and their families a safe & relaxing holiday season filled with cheer!

As we get closer to the final school day of 2023, here are a few reminders:

 – The final day of work before Christmas break for the 10-month employees is Friday December 22, 2023.

– The first day back to work after the Christmas break for the 10-month employees is Thursday January 4, 2023.

– As per our collective agreement the following days are observed as holidays off without loss of pay; Christmas Day, Boxing Day, New Years Day. More information on holidays can be found in Article 27 in the collective agreement.

– Keep an eye to your personal email accounts to see if you’re one of the funky frog winners!